
FCC Requests Comments on Radiotechniques PSRA/PSSA Petition

The FCC has issued RM-11384 to my petition to revise the Pre-SunRise and Post-SunSet Authorization rules for AM stations. The…continue reading

Comment Date set for AM Directional Antenna Simplification

The FCC has asked for comments and set July 23 as the deadline in response to the recommendations by the…continue reading

Time to Rethink Pre Sunrise and Post Sunset Authorizations?

New York Congress’ change to the dates for Daylight Savings Time has madePre-Sunrise authorizations more important than ever. Operation of…continue reading

Ad Hoc Committee Hones AM directional verification

Representatives of most major radio broadcasting groups and the most active AM directional engineering consultants have been working on a…continue reading

Tower Lighting and Marking

There are many towers that are 200 ft tall or less that have lights. If your tower is less than…continue reading